Bethlehem: Little, but Significant

December 9, 2012 Speaker: Leon Tucker Series: Advent: The Coming of a Savior

Topic: Sermon Verse: Micah 5:2–5:2

Micah 5:2; Luke 2:1-7

In a world where big is always considered more valuable, God has always used the little places, and little people to do significant things. It is always His intent to point man away from man’s values and wisdom and point us to Himself – the only one who has the power to heal and satisfy. So may the lesson of that little town of Bethlehem make a difference in your celebration of Christ’s birth, and the way you live in the coming year.

More in Advent: The Coming of a Savior

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Women's Christmas Brunch

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Preparing for His Next Advent

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The Christmas Angels: Messengers of God's Hope